MrBrownThumb holds a B.A in Marketing Communications with a concentration in Advertising that his mom liked to point out was going to waste since he never bothered to attempt to gain employment in the field post college. MrBrownThumb currently brings home the bacon selling stock photos and doing whatever creative thing he can do to make money in order to avoid getting a real job so he can stay home and tend to his Marimo. Besides blogging, plants, advertising and photography MrBrownThumb is also interested in the Social Web, urban beautification, garden proselytizing to at risk youth in his neighborhood, community gardens, learning to write about himself in the third person and he hopes to one day sit on several boards so he can casually drop that fact at parties. In the meantime he toils away on his little blogs and waits for the day Oprah or Martha Stewart discover him and make him bigger than P. Allen Smith.
MrBrownThumb can be contacted through his blog or using this contact form. He's always interested in meeting fellow wannabe plant nerds, showing people how to blog, seeing gardens and meeting gardeners he can cover on his gardening blog.
I've removed the form below because recently I was contacted and presented with some unique opportunities for people interested in a more urban experience. We'll need to see where they can be fit into the schedule and maybe early Friday would work best. So for now the tours of the Lincoln Park Conservatory are on hold.