About Re-Thinking Soup:
Every Tuesday from 12:00-1:00pm, the Hull-House Museum hosts a modern day soup kitchen that is a public and communal event where we gather together and eat delicious, healthy, soup and have fresh, organic conversation about many of the urgent social, cultural, economic and environmental food issues that we should be addressing.
Jane Addams was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize and worked on many issues in her life to create the conditions of peace to flourish. We meet in the historic Residents' Dining Hall, where Upton Sinclair, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Du Bois, Gertrude Stein and other important social reformers met to share meals and ideas, debate one another, and conspire to change the world. Activists, farmers, doctors, economists, artists, and guest chefs join us each week to present their knowledge, ideas and projects and foster a space where we can move toward solutions.
The mission for the farm reflects our belief that monocultures are undesirable and dangerous for the environment and that promoting a pluralistic society is essential for a healthy democracy. The Heirloom Farm at the Hull-House Museum affirms the link between a healthy, diverse bio-culture that is sustained by varieties of heirloom fruits and vegetables, and a vibrant and diverse culture in society, promoted by artisans, farmers, ethnic restaurants and markets and by the people who support these spaces.
For information about volunteer opportunities for Re-Thinking Soup or the Community Farm and Garden project, please contact Kelly Saulsberry at ksuzanne@uic.edu or 312.355.4683