Last weekend was the dedication ceremony of the Organic Rooftop Farm at Uncommon Ground on Devon. Four Chicago Gardeners were there to document the event.
Yay! Time For Spring Garden Tasks
Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It
wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine
and te...
A New Place, a New Garden
[image: A New Place, a New Garden] Oak saplings at MWRDDear Readers,Over
the past few months, I have heard from a number of folks asking when I
would start...
A Stumpery at Garden in a City!
And now we come to the Garden in a City stumpery. When I started writing
the first post about stumps, this was only a gleam in my eye, as they say.
I’ve be...
Summer 2019
Summer has finally come to Chicago!
Fresh lettuce ready to harvest
Green peppers on their way
A container of greens- kale, mustard, an...
April To-Do’s in the Garden
Now that it’s April the days are getting longer and warming up […]
The post April To-Do’s in the Garden appeared first on DIIG, Inc..
*Taffy the Duck Returns: When Ducks nest in the Garden*
Ponds attract wildlife and the pond in our yard is no exception . It seems
like as soon as we ...
Review Glessner House - Chicago Historic Site
A tour of Glessner House, in Chicago's Prairie District had been on my
bucket list for a few years. Glad to have completed the tour and experience
early in...
I was sweating, on the verge of a panic attack when I pulled up. My car AC
on full blast I wondered if I was making a big mistake. And then I saw
The Season of Change
I’ll just say it right away – I’m still blogging! I am not throwing in the
towel; to the contrary – I’m reinventing. Ever since we moved into a little
The Choices We Make
I have often wondered why I have chosen the color orange for several of my
daylilies, but today as I was taking some photos, I realized the orange
tones re...
Radiation Update
While attempting to photograph the ongoing floral display from my
Christmas/Easter cactus this morning, my phone somehow someway changed
exposure and I got...
The New Potager: The Big Reveal!
I'm so happy to finally share pics of the garden! However, we're not quite
finished (always the gardener's lament)! We are still researching what
material ...
Chicago-area Edible Garden Tour
The Sugar Beet Food Store Cooperative (“Sugar Beet Co-op”), a community
based, member-owned, full service grocery store is hosting its 3rd Annual
Chicago Garden Walks 2013
There have been a number of changes to the garden blogger in Chicago
landscape (heh) in the last few years. Seven years ago you could count the
number o...
Virginia Bluebells
After my long absence, I am excited to start the blogging season with my
blooming Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica). I am so pleased with
their perf...
Happiness is....
Happiness is free wood chips and a husband who replenishes the garden path
with free labor. Now my paths should be weed free for the season. Most tree
Lone Star Tick= Red Meat Allergy!?
Apparently the Lone Star Tick, upon biting a person, can leave them
allergic to red meat. As with most insect bites, when the tick bites you
some of its s...
Balcony and Fire Escape Gardening
My other blog on Nordic noir and Scandinavian culture has prevented me from
posting here lately, but I have a huge backlog of photos to share from this
Hello again,
The last week of July, and it seems like the weather is cooperating with us
a bit. Temperatures haven't reached over 100 for a couple days and...
Watering 101
It's hot here again. And no rain for quite awhile. A good time to talk
about proper watering.
It's always better to water a few times at length rather tha...
Hey Y'all Come on Over and visit at my new blog,
Written by Carolyngail at Sweet Home and Garden Chi...
My 2011 Harvest
My daughter was born in the late spring of 2011. The summer and fall went
by in the milky haze a newborn brings to a home. I even took a long
vacation away...
The Garden is put to bed for the forever winter
As gardeners, we intuitively know there is a time for renewal. There is
definite life cycle, sprout, seedling, production, decline, then finally
off to th...
Home Run Rose is the Season Opener!
Home Run Rose
While enjoying the warm company of other garden professionals and
enthusiasts, along with lunch and the (frozen) lakefront view of the
Hi all. Just want to let you know that I am still here. It has been such a
long time since I posted and for that I am sorry. I have missed it, but
mostly ...
Pond Tour, 3 pm
The crowds have been sparse today: only 4 groups have stopped by today. The
pond is looking pretty good and the rain refreshed the garden, but the
Rain, Rain, and SNOW
Well this week has been rain and more rain. We have had some thunderstorms
and now I hear that tonight and possibly tomorrow we might see some snow.
Well a...