On May 29th through May 31st Chicago, IL and Chicagoland garden bloggers will host the second annual garden blogger meetup. The first event took place last year in Austin, Texas. It's fitting that the City in a Garden continues the tradition. Chicago's 12,000 acres of public parks and waterfront space helped it secure a position in the Top 10 of America's 50 Greenest Cities as ranked by Popular Science.
On the agenda will be tours of crown jewels of the Chicago Park District, visits to a private garden, the Chicago Botanic Garden, a Friday dinner/reception, Saturday pizza party, group lunches, sightseeing, discussions and more. Unless noted, these events are free.
Registered Participants & Invited Guests: See which garden bloggers from across the country are attending Chicago Spring Fling.
Chicago Spring Fling on Twitter: We'll be using Twitter to communicate with participants during the three day event.
Transportation: Transportation details are provided on events pages.
Visit the transportation page to discuss issues related to transportation either to Chicago or in and around the city.
Sponsors:Visit our sponsors page for information on the people helping make Chicago Spring Fling possible. Please contact us if you'd like to become a sponsor.Of interest:
The Wikipedia entry on Chicago.
The website for the Chicago Transit Authority.
The website for EasyAccessChicago.
If you're attending we'd appreciate it if you'd blog/tweet/bookmark this event to help up spread the word. If you aren't attending go ahead and help up promote our garden blogger convention because you're cool like that.
If you're attending we'd appreciate it if you'd blog/tweet/bookmark this event to help up spread the word. If you aren't attending go ahead and help up promote our garden blogger convention because you're cool like that.