The Chicago Flower & Garden Show
March 5-13th
Buy tickets online or at Navy Pier.
Tips for discounts for tickets to Chicago Flower Show.
Peterson Garden seed swap.
Sunday, March 06 4pm-6pm
RSVP here
Wicker Park Garden Club
Workshop-Tool Sharpening
Saturday, March 19 10am-Noon or 1pm-3pm
Choose a time. $15. Pay at the Door.
RSVP or call 773-278-9075
Washington Park Conservancy
Garden tool sharpening & cleaning workshop
Saturday, March 26 10am-12pm
RSVP: 773-203-3418
Washington Park
5531 S. King Drive.
Chicago, IL
One Seed Chicago voting continues until April 1st. Pick your favorite seed and vote for it. The winning seed will be mailed out to you for free. Encourge your friends to vote for their favorite too.
Yay! Time For Spring Garden Tasks
Its time! Its time! The coming of spring sure brightens my spirits. It
wasn’t even a tough winter, and its not even quite spring, but the sunshine
and te...