Chicago Garden
Garden Hits and Misses at Chicago Flower and Garden Show.
Garden Girl
Sweet Home and Garden Chicago
K-Town Homestead
The newest members of the Chicago Gardeners blogroll are The Worm Girl News and The Garden at Liberty. If you'd like to become a member of the blogroll simply add http://chicagogardeners.blogspot.com to your blogroll on your blog and send an Email to let us know and we'll add your feed along with the rest of our blogs. With our numbers growing perhaps this year we can have some kind of local garden blog gathering at some point.
Save the Date
If the Chicago Flower and Garden Show has you searching for more greenery and blooms, you're in luck. Macy's Flower Show returns March 28-April 11, with the theme "Spring Is In The Air." We'll post more details soon.
Get your tools ready for Spring with this tool sharpening workshop at the Wicker Park Garden Club. Saturday, March 20 - 10am-noon or 1pm-3pm - $15
Held in Wicker Park Home - Address Given to Registered Student
Reservations: wpgarden@aol.com (773) 278-9075 (Pay at Door)
Tool Sharpening Workshop - Richard Tilley, Jim Angrabright, Larry Clary, www.wpgarden.org
Learn how to sharpen your pruners, loppers, shovels, and other hand-held garden tools. Bring your hand-held tools-- go home with sharpened tools.